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Daily Greens

Gut & Digestion

Daily Greens

Gut & Digestion

A natural shake with a high fiber content

With Chlorella and Spirulina

With delicious pineapple-apple flavor

With a subscription you also benefit from exclusive mybacs® subscription benefits.

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Stay in control: You can easily pause or cancel your subscription at any time.

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Gut Essentials for Women
Gut Essentials for Women

Daily Greens & Dailybacs® Women

Scientifically tested
do it daily

Your daily source of fiber

Daily fiber

The Swiss Society for Nutrition recommends at least 30g of fiber daily. One serving of Daily Greens covers over 50% of that.

plant extracts

Superfoods such as spirulina, Jerusalem artichoke and barley grass complement the high fiber content.

Delicious taste

Unlike many green shakes, Daily Greens has a refreshing and delicious apple-pineapple flavor.

What are fibers? An overview

Dietary fiber is a plant component that occurs naturally in various foods. But where does the name come from? Dietary fiber passes through the gastrointestinal tract undigested. In the past, this meant that it was not considered very important. Instead, it was considered "ballast" in food - and thus came to have the rather unflattering name "dietary fiber".

dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is an indigestible plant component that is found in many foods and enriches a varied diet.

fiber intake

In Switzerland, an average of 20.4 g of fibre is consumed daily, but over 30 g is recommended for adults.

Your source of fiber

Fiber is one of the most difficult nutrients to incorporate into your diet.

The daily recommendation for fiber is about 30 g per day for adults. One serving of Daily Greens contains 16 g of fiber, which already covers 56% of the daily recommended fiber intake.

Fiber is one of the most difficult nutrients to incorporate into your diet.

The daily recommendation for fiber is about 30 g per day for adults. One serving of Daily Greens contains 16 g of fiber, which already covers 56% of the daily recommended fiber intake.

Amount according to the daily greens portion

Apple Apple
3.7 Äpfel
brown rice brown rice
1 kg
broccoli broccoli
650 g
carrots carrots
600 g
whole grain bread whole grain bread
15 Scheiben
spinach spinach
600 g

Scientifically tested ingredients

mybacs® products are subject to strict quality controls. All ingredients are safe, of high quality and come from ethical and sustainable sources.



Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke







Powder from the young leaves of the barley plant ( Hordeum vulgare ), gently processed to preserve the natural components. Characterized by its intense green color and slightly bitter, grassy taste, it is often used as an ingredient in various recipes.

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke

Tuber of the plant Helianthus tuberosus , known for its subtle sweet-nutty taste. It contains natural carbohydrates and is used in many different ways in food processing in dried or ground form.



Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae that has gained popularity worldwide due to its impressive nutrient density. It is one of the oldest life forms on earth and is often described as nutrient-dense.



Inulin is a polysaccharide found in various plants, but is particularly abundant in the root of chicory (Cichorium intybus). The roots are harvested and subjected to extraction to obtain the inulin. The extract is then purified and used in powder form or as a liquid extract for various applications.

Daily Greens at a glance!

How do Daily Greens work?

Daily Greens is rich in valuable fiber. Fiber is a plant-based food component that the human body cannot digest. It is found in foods such as whole grain products, legumes, fruit, vegetables and nuts. These indigestible food components are part of a balanced diet. When you first start taking the supplement, there may be a short-term initial worsening due to the fiber intake because the body needs time to adapt to the changed food composition and the increased fiber intake. The digestive system in particular can react sensitively to this.

How is the safety and quality of Daily Greens ensured?

mybacs® has its products tested by independent laboratories to ensure that they comply with regulations and guidelines and to guarantee the quality and safety of our products.

Which product is best combined with Daily Greens?

Daily Greens can be combined with all mybacs® products. The product range is designed to complement each other. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist when combining different products or food supplements. This way, individual needs can be taken into account and possible interactions can be avoided. mybacs® recommends the combination of Daily Greens and Dailybacs® as well as the combination with the boosters Radiant Glow or Inner Power.

Can I take Daily Greens if I am trying to conceive, am pregnant or breastfeeding?

In general, there is nothing against taking the product during phases such as trying to conceive, pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, mybacs® does not want to make general recommendations during such sensitive periods of life. We therefore recommend that you consult your doctor before taking it to ensure that the product is tailored to your individual needs.

Why can I only order a pack as part of a subscription and not as a one-time purchase?

Our products are designed to be taken over the long term to achieve the best results. The subscription model helps you not to forget to take them regularly and really benefit from the positive effects. We are all about supporting you on your journey and making sure that you can exploit the full potential of our products - and that just takes a little time.

both are helpful!

Fibre Food vs Daily Greens

High-quality fiber powder

  • Mixture of vitalizing superfoods (barley grass, Jerusalem artichoke, spirulina)
  • Provides only a low calorie density per serving
17g. fiber
High-quality fiber powder

Delicious meal replacement shake

  • Fast & delicious meal replacement
  • calorie-dense formulation
  • Perfect complement to Dietbacs ®
12g. fiber
11.5g. protein
Delicious meal replacement shake