5 minutes


Resident and Transient: The Differences Between Bacterial Strains

Key messages for you

  • Resident bacteria:They settle permanently in the intestine and are part of the permanent microbiome.
  • Transient bacteria:They migrate through the digestive tract, do not settle and are excreted again.
  • Effect of transient bacteria:They strengthen the intestinal barrier, promote neurotransmitters, improve bowel movements and produce short-chain fatty acids for metabolism.
  • Continuous intake:Transient bacteria only work when taken regularly, e.g. with our Dailybacs subscription, conveniently delivered to your home!


The term “resident” comes from Latin and means “to settle”. Resident bacteria are microorganisms that have settled in the microbiome over a long period of time. They have therefore “settled” in the intestine and remain there.

Transient bacteria

Transient (lat. transire = to pass by) bacterial strains, on the other hand, are organisms that do not settle in the microbiome. They are “just passing through” and are simply excreted by the body.

However, probiotics do not have to colonize the intestines to be effective!

Scientists have found that probiotics exert their effects primarily as transient bacteria . They travel through the digestive tract and interact with your immune cells, intestinal cells, nutrients and existing bacteria on their journey to provide direct and indirect benefits. Some improve gene expression in the signaling of the tight junctions that help protect against intestinal permeability - this means a tight intestinal barrier. The intestinal barrier determines which substances from the digestive tract can penetrate the intestinal wall into the body. A healthy intestinal barrier is therefore a protective wall that ensures that pathogenic substances and harmful bacteria are less able to penetrate the intestinal wall into the body - this in turn has a positive effect on your immune system.

Other transient bacteria promote the release of neurotransmitters that stimulate muscle contractions for increased motility, resulting in better and more regular bowel movements. When the intestines move regularly, food can be transported more effectively and conditions such as constipation can be avoided. There are also bacteria that produce byproducts such as short-chain fatty acids, which are beneficial for metabolic and intestinal health.

Continuous intake

However, since the transient bacteria are excreted at the end of their journey through our intestines, continuous intake is important. This is why probiotics only have the best effect on health when taken on a long-term basis. To make this easier, we have a subscription - your Dailybacs® are conveniently delivered to your home every 30 days.

Key messages for you

  • Resident bacteria:They settle permanently in the intestine and are part of the permanent microbiome.
  • Transient bacteria:They migrate through the digestive tract, do not settle and are excreted again.
  • Effect of transient bacteria:They strengthen the intestinal barrier, promote neurotransmitters, improve bowel movements and produce short-chain fatty acids for metabolism.
  • Continuous intake:Transient bacteria only work when taken regularly, e.g. with our Dailybacs subscription, conveniently delivered to your home!
Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Essential Readings

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Essential Readings