Having bacteria in the body probably sounds strange or scary to many people - but probiotic bacteria are actually desirable for our body, especially for our digestive tract!
A healthy intestinal flora is promoted by the probiotic bacteria, i.e. living microorganisms, that settle there. These have a positive effect on digestion and the human immune system , among other things. In order for these bacteria to “work” effectively, they need food, because the basic rule is: living things need food to function well. This applies to us humans as well as to microorganisms and therefore also to probiotics . This “food” is found in the form of prebiotics. These are dietary fibers. Dietary fibers are a component of plant-based foods, which is why they are also called fiber or plant fibers. Since we lack the necessary enzymes, we humans cannot digest dietary fiber in our digestive tract.
PREbiotics for PRObiotics
What's so good about that? you might ask yourself. Well, the answer isn't that complicated. Because what humans can't use "tastes good" to the probiotic " good" bacteria mentioned above, especially bifidobacteria - once they reach the large intestine intact, the fiber is eagerly used by the resident intestinal bacteria, which allows them to multiply. As nutrients, prebiotics promote the growth and activity of the good bacteria. They occur, for example, in the form of sugar molecules such as inulin or fructose oligosaccharides.
The effect
How exactly do probiotic bacteria and prebiotics work? By taking prebiotics, whether in the form of food or as a capsule, tablet or powder, the probiotic "good" bacteria strains in your intestine will feel comfortable due to the high number of food sources. This in turn ensures that they do important work to keep your intestinal flora in balance. The growth spurt of bifidobacteria, a type of "good" bacteria, prevents other "bad" bacteria strains and viruses from spreading in the intestine and causing disease. Examples of such bad bacteria are pathogenic bacteria, such as certain types of E. coli or clostridia. This happens because the increased growth of the good bacteria leads to an increased production of short-chain fatty acids. This leads to an acidic pH value of the intestinal wall. This acidic environment enables the intestine to better absorb some minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium or phosphorus, which in turn makes it more difficult for pathogenic germs to overgrow.
Some probiotics have other abilities that are extremely useful for us. For example, they produce antibodies against pathogenic bacteria and increase the activity of our immune cells. In addition, digestion improves: If you eat a diet rich in fiber, you can increase the amount and frequency of your bowel movements, as the digestion time in the intestines is regulated to normal again - goodbye to sluggish bowels, constipation and diarrhea!
But that's not all: experts also say that prebiotics have positive effects on bone density because they improve the absorption and use of calcium.
There is also good news for the growing number of people who struggle with various forms of metabolic syndrome over the course of their lives. This is manifested by a combination of high blood pressure, obesity, high blood lipid levels and high blood sugar levels, which result from a lack of insulin (insulin resistance). Here too, prebiotics are said to reduce the risk of disease when taken regularly, and the same applies to the risk of colon cancer.
As you can see, it is definitely worth incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into your diet. But where is fiber found and which should you eat? If you look around the food market, you will discover many products to which inulin or oligofructose are artificially added to make them even healthier or more nutritious. Such products can often be found in the categories of fruit juices, dairy products, baked goods, snacks, baby food or sweets. This seems convenient at first glance, but it is actually much easier and sometimes healthier to incorporate prebiotics into your diet through natural foods. Foods rich in fiber include grain products such as wholemeal bread, pasta or rolls, cereal flakes, muesli, brown rice, millet and grains. Basically, fiber can be found in almost all types of vegetables. Artichokes, bananas, chicory, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, mushrooms, celery, asparagus and Jerusalem artichokes have a relatively high content. Soy, pulses, fruit (both fresh and dried fruit) and nuts are also rich in fiber. With nuts, it is important to note that they have a high fat content and therefore a high energy content. Therefore, you should only eat them in small quantities.
In order for the probiotics to have their full effect in your intestines, you should eat enough fiber. You can get this from your diet, as described above. But you can also find it in Dailybacs in the natural form of inulin from chicory root.
In general, up to 30 grams of fiber per day is well tolerated and recommended to improve intestinal flora. Of course, you can consume more if you need it, but you should be aware that higher doses of prebiotics could cause bloating and diarrhea. This threshold is different for each person. However, people with sensitive intestines in particular usually only need less than ten grams of fiber. For example: 100 grams of wholemeal bread contains 7 grams of fiber.
fiber against constipation
As a small addition: If you are generally struggling with constipation, foods such as fermented milk products, i.e. yogurt, kefir or buttermilk, sauerkraut (juice), apple and pear juice, soaked prunes, the whole grain products mentioned above and fiber concentrates can help. These include linseed, wheat bran or psyllium. They all have a laxative effect. In addition, at least 30 grams of fiber per day is recommended to get your bowels back on track!
You should also drink a lot (2-3 liters per day), because fiber needs liquid! You should also make sure to change your diet step by step and not radically all at once. Otherwise you risk bloating and a strong feeling of fullness. Regular exercise and the occasional massage of your stomach round off the feel-good program so that your digestion gets going again!